3 Keys For Performing Maintenance On Your Skis
If you are starting to become a regular on the local slopes, it might be time to start getting serious about taking care of your ski gear. The most important part of that gear would be the skis themselves, of course. Rookie skiers tend to get their blades sharpened by a professional after so many uses but if you want to establish more control over your favorite hobby, perhaps it's time to invest in a good set of ski tuning tools and get to work. But before you purchase a blade file or other handy tools, you first need to be able to detect whether or not your skis actually need some attention. Here are three simple maintenance tips that will help you keep your skis in top shape:
Glide a Finger Along the Edge
In an ideal world, your skis would remain perfectly smooth all the way across the edge. In reality, of course, your skis are going to pick up some bumps and bruises as you move down the slopes. These rough developments are called burrs and they can really put a dent into your precision out on the mountain. Some burrs are so small, however, that you might not be able to see the exact spot that needs to be filed right away. To identify potential burrs, take one finger and run it slowly across the edge of the ski from end to end. If your skis have a burr or two, you will be able to feel them as your finger moves across the otherwise smooth surface. A diamond stone works wonders for removing these nuisances.
That's an Interesting Way to Trim Your Nails
While you want your ski edges to be smooth, you also want them to be sharp. The easiest rule of thumb to remember here is that your ski edges should be sharp enough to give you a bit of a manicure. Run your finger along the edge of the ski again but this time, drag your fingernail specifically. If you apply enough pressure, the ski edge should trim away just a hint of fingernail. If it's not sharp enough then it's time to grab your file.
Scrape Off, Wax On
To keep skis extra smooth, many skiers invest in some good ski wax to keep on their blades. If your old wax is starting to degrade, then it's time for a fresh coat. But you should never just put new wax on top of the old coat. Invest in a decent wax scraper and make sure that every last bit of the old wax job is completely removed before you put the fresh coat on.
If you want to start sharpening and smoothing out your ski blades on your own, you're going to need the right tools for the job. A diamond stone can buff out troublesome burrs while a file can help keep things sharp as a tack. If it's a new coat of wax that you crave, make sure you invest in a decent scraper to remove the old coat before moving forward. For more best practices, reach out to a ski tuning tools supplier like Shoptek today.